Voto & Cavalli

Attorneys at Law, P.C.

Relentless Pursuit Of Justice

Traumatic Injuries

Traumatic Injuries:

A car accident can have a devastating effect on you and your family. At Voto & Cavalli, Attorneys at Law P.C. we specialize in handling all aspects of personal injury litigation. Let’s face it, an auto accident can happen to anyone. Injuries sustained in an automobile accident range from minor whiplash to severe injuries such as:

  • Brain Injury (TBI)
  • Neurological damage
  • Spinal cord Injury
  • Scaring and disfigurement
  • Loss of fetus
  • Death
  • Dismemberment
  • Joint or extremity injury such as shoulders and knees
Who pays for your treatment:

If you have been injured in an automobile accident your insurance or the insurance of the vehicle you were in may be responsible to pay for your treatment. It is imperative that you contact your insurance carrier and open a no fault claim to have the responsible insurance pay for the medical expenses.

Coverage may be available through the following parties:

  • Your privately owned vehicle
  • Vehicle owned by resident relatives in your household
  • The vehicle that you were in and/or operating
  • The uninsured fund provided by your state

Compensation for Your Injuries:

If you sustained a permanent injury, you may be entitled to compensation. Discussing the matter with an experience attorney is one of the most important decisions that you will make in your case. Here at Voto & Cavalli we understand that injuries are complex and take time to heal. We will worry about the legal aspects of the case while you focus on recuperating.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam sit amet justo bibendum, feugiat ex at, sodales dolor. Pellentesque sollicitudin ligula ut magna consequat tincidunt. Sed sollicitudin feugiat libero nec volutpat. Sed urna eros, accumsan vel purus eu, gravida congue turpis. Cras aliquam dictum pulvinar. Phasellus scelerisque et nunc vel scelerisque. Etiam consequat consequat vestibulum. Integer quis nibh mollis enim rutrum sodales. Quisque vitae rhoncus eros. Suspendisse suscipit justo nec leo fermentum, eget semper erat mollis. Donec dapibus tellus eu odio venenatis pellentesque. Morbi ut purus sit amet est tristique congue. Suspendisse pellentesque enim vitae sapien varius tincidunt. Cras pellentesque, mauris vel scelerisque interdum, purus nibh ullamcorper sem, consectetur malesuada purus dolor in nisi.

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