Voto & Cavalli

Attorneys at Law, P.C.

Relentless Pursuit Of Justice

Train Accidents

Train Accidents

Experienced Personal Injury Attorneys Fighting for People Injured in Train Accidents in New Jersey and New York

The public transit systems in New Jersey and New York provides passengers with a safe mode of transportation. The NJ public transit system connects New Jersey with New York and Pennsylvania. The train service is particularly important for NJ and NY workers who need to travel to and from work.

All of these people depend on mechanics, supervisors and operators of trains to take the necessary steps to ensure there are no serious railroad accidents. When a train operator acts negligently and causes passengers to sustain serious injuries, it is important that the negligent individual is held accountable for their actions so that future accidents become less likely.

If you’ve been hurt in a train accident, the attorneys at Voto & Cavalli Attorneys at Law, P.C.are experienced trial attorneys who will fight on your behalf and help you get the financial compensation you deserve. Our attorneys have successfully represented numerous clients in personal injury cases throughout New Jersey. We are prepared to do whatever it takes to win your case because we know how important it is for you to get justice for your train accident injuries.

Types of Train Accidents in NJ

Some of the most common causes of train accidents in New Jersey include:

  • Train derailments
  • Collisions between trains
  • Collisions between a train and a car
  • Collisions at railroad crossings
  • Failure to clear debris from tracks, leading to collisions with objects or obstacles on the tracks
  • Sudden and unexpected stops of train
  • Jerks and jolts on train leading to whiplash injuries
  • Negligent train conductors who fail to use lights or sound horns
  • Defective warning systems
  • Overcrowding of train cars
  • Platform injuries, including pedestrians shoved onto tracks
  • Slip & falls on train station stairs
Due to the nature of most train accidents, a train accident injury has the potential to be catastrophic. Depending on the circumstances of your train accident, you could sustain broken bones, muscle strains, ligament sprains, cuts or lacerations, back injuries and neck damage. Some of the most severe traumatic injuries include spinal trauma and traumatic brain injuries. In the most tragic train accidents, particularly when the accident involves a train derailment, the result could be passenger deaths.
Liability for Train Accidents in Union County and Middlesex County

The NJ Transit system oversees many different forms of public transportation in New Jersey, including train, bus and light rail lines. NJ Transit is responsible for ensuring that passengers, and workers, are safe while traveling on trains. When an individual is injured while traveling on a train operated by NJ Transit, the injured party may be able to file a personal injury claim to get compensation. It is not always easy to determine who may be liable for a train accident. There are often several liable parties, including the train operator, train mechanics, train workers, device or component manufacturers and government entities responsible for overseeing the operation and maintenance of the transit system.

When the medical bills start to pile up in the aftermath of a train accident, you may find it difficult to cover your other living expenses. Things can get especially rough if you are out of work for an extended period of time during your physical recovery and rehabilitation process. The medical expenses for a train accident injury could include costs of surgeries, hospital visits, rehabilitation and physical therapy, and pain medication. An experienced personal injury attorney can consult with medical experts and economic specialists to ascertain the true extent of your injuries and determine exactly how much you need to get back on your feet.

Statute of Limitation for NJ Train Accident Claims

Most personal injury claims in NJ are subject to a two-year statute of limitations. However, the requirements are more stringent when the accident involves a government entity responsible for public transportation or mass transit. If you sustained an injury while traveling on a train operated by NJ Transit or Port Authority of New York & New Jersey (PATH), you must notify the agency of your intent to file a personal injury claim within 90 days of the accident. It is imperative that you retain a qualified attorney as soon as possible after the accident that caused your injuries. You do not want to risk missing any filing deadlines and permanently losing your right to sue for damages.

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