Voto & Cavalli

Attorneys at Law, P.C.

Relentless Pursuit Of Justice

Hit And Run Injury

Hit and Run Accidents

Hit and run accidents can be confusing, victims may feel angry and upset that the at fault vehicle fled the scene. hiring an experienced personal injury attorney can make all the difference between feeling lost and aggravated and getting compensated for your injuries.

What should you do after a hit and run accident:

Do not follow the vehicle that caused the accident. The best course of action is to call the police and seek medical attention. If at all possible, record the vehicle as it’s fleeing, speak to witnesses and gather as much evidence as possible from those at the scene. See if any bystander or camera in the area were able to get the plates of the offending vehicle.

Who pays for your damages:

If you’re involved in a hit and run, your auto policy may cover some expenses. It’s important to note that coverages will vary depending on the policy you purchased.

Let’s look at specific coverages.

  • Collision coverage pays to repair or replace your vehicle if it’s been damaged in a collision. So, if you’re a victim of a hit and run accident, you may be able to make a claim on your policy even if the other driver isn’t found.
  • Uninsured motor vehicle coverage compensates the victim for injuries sustained as a result of the accident. This coverage applies to uninsured vehicles and phantom vehicles or vehicles that fled the scene. Recovery is limited to the amount of coverage that your purchased
  • Who covers your medical bills in a hit and run?

Regardless of whether you are a victim of a hit and run or a regular accident, New Jersey is a no-fault state so medical coverage will be either through your personal auto insurance, any policy available through a resident relative, the vehicle you were in or NJ Pliga depending on your specific situation.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam sit amet justo bibendum, feugiat ex at, sodales dolor. Pellentesque sollicitudin ligula ut magna consequat tincidunt. Sed sollicitudin feugiat libero nec volutpat. Sed urna eros, accumsan vel purus eu, gravida congue turpis. Cras aliquam dictum pulvinar. Phasellus scelerisque et nunc vel scelerisque. Etiam consequat consequat vestibulum. Integer quis nibh mollis enim rutrum sodales. Quisque vitae rhoncus eros. Suspendisse suscipit justo nec leo fermentum, eget semper erat mollis. Donec dapibus tellus eu odio venenatis pellentesque. Morbi ut purus sit amet est tristique congue. Suspendisse pellentesque enim vitae sapien varius tincidunt. Cras pellentesque, mauris vel scelerisque interdum, purus nibh ullamcorper sem, consectetur malesuada purus dolor in nisi.

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